Announcing a special inaugural workshop
Five Orders of Consciousness
and the Bilingual Mind
Five Orders of Consciousness and the Bilingual Mind workshop offers teacher, administrators, and staff of international schools an opportunity to examine a cutting-edge Harvard University theory that unveils life-long human development together with the essence of bilingualism. Learning is not only inculcated in educational institutions, but extends as a life-long journey of relating with cross-cultural themes.
Five Orders of Consciousness is developed by Harvard University Emeritus Professor Robert Kegan. As a student of Jean Piaget, Kegan expanded his theory to a life-long developmental theory. The theory provides essential elements necessary to navigate one's life with finesse, especially for young people who are facing a rapidly diversifying world. While studying under Kegan, Shimogori posed the question, "How does this theory fit a bilingual person?" This workshop provides answers to this question.

Yujiro Shimogori, Ph.D.
As a bilingual learner attended:
Nishimachi International School
American School in Japan
As a bilingual Homebase teacher worked at:
El Marino Language School - First Immersion program in the USA
Nishimachi International School
As a University scholar and researcher specializing on bilingualism received degrees related to bilingual eduation:
Harvard University Ed.M
San Diego State University Ph.D.
As a bilingual educator for over 25 years, in Los Angeles and Tokyo, through much trial and error, I came to understand the beauty of being bilingual and bicultural. I consider myself as a renaissance individual that incorporates an unabridged integration of the holistic and reductionist views, allocentric and idiocentric thinking, East and West mindsets, competitive and cooperative actions, to name a few. As the founder and president of SevenSees my mission in life is to offer effective, balanced, savvy, compassionate skills and mindset for bilingual learners to live life with zest and purpose.

Ritsumeikan APU Conference
My presentation at the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Conference on December 3 & 4, 2022. The title of the presentation was Neoterism: A new concept about co-existing with tradition and ...

Harvard University AOCC Alumni Achievement Award
During the AOCC on March 5, 2022, I was nominated for the Harvard University AOCC Alumni Achievement Award.

Phi Kappa Phi
I am a member of the National Honor Society Phi Kappa Phi.
URL Merit pages
URL The Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi