
Ritsumeikan APU Conference

My presentation at the Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University Conference on December 3 & 4, 2022. The title of the presentation was Neoterism:  A new concept about co-existing with tradition and innovation and creating a new reality.

Here is the abstract of the presentation: 

The purpose of the research is to offer a new concept about cross-cultural interpersonal relationship and development namely neoterism. The method of this research is exploratory in nature and consolidates literature review together with the authors anecdotal experiences. The results will focus on substantive observations while engaging in an eight cyclic life style working in Japan and the USA as a bilingual educator and researcher. In addition, standard research related to positive social outcomes of development of bilingualism will be discussed. Neoterism is an emergence of a new, modern frame of mind in the process of regulating through two cultural identities. In a rapidly unfolding diverse as well as a technologically advanced world, it would require educators to be more cognizant of fostering students that are open to accepting multiple perspectives. Neoterism is a new, earth living which aims to provide cutting-edge bicultural lifestyles to liberate people from confinements and restrictions of traditional and conventional practices with the aim of concinnating new realities. 

I have been accepted to present at this years APU Conference in December 2024. The title is Speaking Two Languages: A key to sustain peace in the world. 

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